Men's health is more at risk than women's
Men live shorter lives than women, partly because they suffer from life-threatening diseases earlier and more often. Another important reason is that men have a higher mortality rate when they first become ill. This is due to many different factors, which you can read about here.
- Knowledge and understanding of symptoms: Men are generally less knowledgeable about health and therefore less aware of which symptoms require attention.
- Reaction to symptoms: Men often wait longer to seek medical help and visit the doctor less often than women, which in many cases means the disease is more advanced and treatment is less effective.
- Communication with the doctor: Communication problems can arise with the doctor, especially if the patient is unskilled. A good dialog with the doctor and other healthcare professionals is therefore important to get the right diagnosis as early as possible.
- Adherence to treatment (compliance): Men don't always find it easy to follow treatment plans, such as taking their medication and following doctor's instructions.
- Rehabilitation and chronic disease management: Men are far less likely than women to participate in rehabilitation programs and less likely to use services for people with chronic diseases, both of which are important components of modern healthcare.
In addition to the above parameters, good relationships play an important role in ensuring good health. A good network keeps us going and ensures a sense of belonging. Similarly, social relationships are crucial for our well-being and happiness. Unfortunately, men are also more vulnerable in this area and experience isolation, loneliness and mental health challenges more frequently than women do.
If you have thoughts of suicide, contact the lifeline on 70 201 201 201.

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