Jens Kurt Johansen

Specialist in orthopedic surgery

Affiliated departments
Capio Gildhøj


2018 Specialist in foot surgery, Gildhøj Private Hospital

2017 Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Foot Ankle Section, Hvidovre Hospital

2016 Fellowship, HessingParc Clinic, Augsburg, Germany

2012-2017 Consultant, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Foot and Ankle Section, Zealand University Hospital, Køge

2011 Department physician at the orthopedic surgery department, foot ankle sector, Odense University Hospital

2010 Acting consultant at the orthopedic surgery department, foot and ankle sector, Odense University Hospital

2009 Department physician at the orthopedic surgery department, Køge Hospital

2000-2009 Internship, Introductory and main training position in orthopedic surgery

Education and training

2000 Cand.Med from University of Copenhagen

Regularly attend relevant courses at home and abroad


Teaching courses in foot and ankle surgery (A-course)

Preparation of KKR under DOS

Other information

Special interests:

Foot and ankle surgery at both basic and highly specialized levels

Member of scientific societies:

Danish Orthopaedic Surgery Society (DOS)

Danish Foot and Ankle Surgery Society (DFAS), board member, secretary and webmaster

European Foot and Ankle Society (EFAS)