At Capio, after careful consideration and reflection, we have deliberately chosen not to perform the so-called cancer marker blood tests in men and women without symptoms of cancer, as no cancer marker blood tests today are sufficiently accurate and safe. Therefore, cancer marker blood tests are not offered as part of public screening programs for various cancers.
Cancer marker blood tests can be elevated without having cancer and can be normal even if you have cancer.
We don't want to risk putting our patients through unnecessary assessment programs with potential risks of complications, nor do we want to create a false sense of security that you are healthy without necessarily being healthy.
We take a number of other blood tests in connection with the health check, and from these, as well as the thorough clinical examination and extensive conversation about your health, it is often possible to get an indication of whether a serious illness may be suspected. If we assess that this is the case, you will be guided to your own doctor so that you enter the system through the most appropriate pathway.
We believe this is the most proper way to go.