Jens Christian Werlinrud
Overlæge, speciallæge i ortopædkirurgi, speciale i håndkirurgi
Tilknyttede afdelinger
- 2005:, SDU.
- 1995: Mat. Student, Øregård Gymnasium, Hellerup.
- 2014-: Afdelingslæge, håndsektoren, Afd. O, OUH.
- 2013-2014: Afdelingslæge, OUH/Svendborg.
- 2021-2013: 1. res. læge (HU), Afd O, Svendborg/OUH, Svendborg Sygehus.
- 2010-2012: Reservelæge (HU), Afd. O, OUH.
- 2009-2010: Reservelæge (HU), Afd O, Svendborg/OUH, Svendborg Sygehus.
- 2009: Reservelæge, Afd O, Svendborg/OUH, Svendborg Sygehus.
- 2008-2009: Reservelæge, Afd O, Middelfart/OUH.
- 2007-2008: Introduktionsstilling, Afd O, Middelfart/OUH.
- 2006-2007: Turnus, almen praksis, Bondovej, Odense.
- 2006: Turnus, Medicinsk afd. C, OUH.
- 2005-2006: Turnus, Kirurgisk afd. A, OUH.
- 1999, 2000, 2007, 2008: Underviser i anatomi, Bevægeapparatet, SDU.
- 1998-1999: Konsulent, Projektleder, London/Oxford, Netdoktor APS.
- 1996-1997: Værnepligt, Sanitetskorpset, Jægersborg og Aalborg kaserner.
Øvrig information
- Six-month prospective trial in early and long-standing rheumatoid arthritis: evaluating disease activity in the wrist through sequential synovial histopathological analysis, RAMRIS magnetic resonance score and EULAR-OMERACT ultrasound score. RMD Open. 2019 Jul 8;5(2)
- Patient-reported outcomes and safety in patients undergoing synovial biopsy: comparison of ultrasound-guided needle biopsy, ultrasound-guided portal and forceps and arthroscopic-guided synovial biopsy techniques in five centres across Europe. RMD Open. 2018 Oct 26;4(2).
- Five-year results after collagenase treatment of Dupuytren disease. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2018 Aug 2.
- Difference in Success Treating Proximal Interphalangeal and Metacarpophalangeal Joints with Collagenase: Results of 208 Treatments.
- A prospective randomized study of conservative versus surgical treatment of unstable palmar plate disruption in the proximal interphalangeal finger joint. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. 2013 Apr;8(1):21-4. doi: 10.1007/s11751-013-0154-y. Epub 2013 Feb 23.
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