Lasse Enkebølle Rasmussen
Overlæge, speciallæge i ortopædkirurgi, speciale i knæalloplastik
Tilknyttede afdelinger
Capio Odense
- 2016: Speciallæge i ortopædkirurgi med speciale i knæalloplastik.
- 2008: MD.
- 2007: Ph.d., SDU.
- 2003: Ph.d. Stipendium, fysiologi og farmakologi, Institut for Molekylær Medicin, SDU.
- 2003: Afsluttet medicinstudiet, SDU.
- 2014-: Course Director: Oral and Written Communication in Biomedicine, SDU.
- 2010-2015: En del af fakultet i Ph.d. kursus, Oral and Written Communication in Biomedicine, SDU.
- 2009-2016: Ekstern lektor, Institute of Molecular Medicine, SDU.
- 2008: MD, Ortopædkirurgi, Vejle Sygehus.
- 2001-2003: Gæsteforsker, Physiology and Pharmacology, Institute of Molecular Medicine, SDU.
Andet relevant erfaring
- 2020: Konsulent, Head of Arthroplasty section, Vejle Hospital.
- 2015: EFORT Traveling Fellowship, Holland.
- 2004-2006: Co-organizer for Method-Seminars, SDU.
- 2004-2006: Bestyrelsesmedlem af Danish Cardiovascular Research Academy, DaCRA.
Øvrig information
- 2019: Program for talentfulde leder, Leadership – Directions, Fellowship and Relations, Sygehus Lillebælt Hospital.
- 2009: Microdialysis in the clinic.
- 2006: Ph.d-supervision. Kursus i at supervisere Ph.d.-studerende. Danish Cardiovascular Research Academy (DaCRA).
- 2005: Methods in health sciences, SDU.
- 2004: Oral and Written Communication in Biomedicine, SDU.
- 2004: Microsurgical techniques in experimental research, SDU.