Local and national
Capio is a versatile private hospital with a wide range of medical specialties represented. With departments in Hellerup, Gildhøj, Odense, Aarhus, Viborg and Aalborg, we are Denmark's second largest private hospital.
We offer examination and treatment for a wide range of patients, whether you come through your private health insurance, through the public sector or as a self-payer. If you have a problem that is best solved in the public sector, we will help you on your way.
Capio Viborg
Viborg Stadion Center
Stadion Allé 7,
8800 Viborg
E-mail: viborg@secure.capio.dk
Phone: 8725 0899
Capio Hellerup
Hans Bekkevolds Allé 2B,
2900 Hellerup
Tel: 3977 7070
Mail: hellerup@secure.capio.dk
Capio Gildhøj
Borgmester Kjeld Rasmussens Boulevard 16,
2605 Brøndby
E-mail: kontakt@gildhoj.dk
Tel: 4343 9292