Tennis elbow causes pain in the area around the outside of the elbow. The condition usually resolves on its own without treatment, but if more than three months have passed, you may benefit from further treatment.
Static movements are known to be a trigger, including certain postures and sports activities. The pain is most likely caused by small tears in the connective tissue that holds the muscles of the elbow to the bone. In most cases, the inflammation occurs as a result of overloading the tissue around the elbow.
Treatment options
Before surgery is considered, a number of treatments should be tried, many of which are beneficial. Initially, it's important to rest the elbow and give it a break from the activity that has caused the problem. A rheumatologist will often be able to help many patients with tennis elbow, where exercise, acupuncture, shockwave therapy, as well as treatment with anti-inflammatory medication and injections of adrenal cortex hormone (a blockade) can be effective.
If we decide that surgery is right for you, you will be treated by some of the country's most skilled orthopaedic surgeons specializing in shoulder and elbow problems.