Accredited without remarks
In May 2022, Capio was accredited without remarks according to the Danish Quality Model (DDKM) version 2 for private hospitals and clinics. This means that Capio fully complies with the requirements set by Danish Regions for quality development and quality assurance. However, in 2021, Danish Regions decided that accreditation should no longer be an element in the contracts entered into, and IKAS's Board of Directors decided to close IKAS at the end of June 2022. For Capio, this does not affect the work with quality and patient safety, none of Capio's initiatives have been stopped on this basis, and we continue to work with quality in a structured way.
We have ambitions to make our quality work even more visible and value-adding for patients, our business partners and our employees. We have a strong focus on the patients' experience of us, and in the future we want to establish an even more inclusive collaboration with our patients, partners and employees in the assessment of both processes and results.