Painless prostate cancer screening
Prostate cancer occurs both as completely benign cases that do not require treatment and as an aggressive form of cancer that needs to be diagnosed and treated in time. In order for us to offer you a prostate MRI scan at Capio Private Hospital, there must be signs of serious disease. This means, for example, that a blood test has shown elevated PSA, which can be an indication of prostate cancer. Your GP or a urologist will make a referral, which we need in order to provide you with a scan.
What are the benefits of a prostate MRI scan?
It is precisely patients with aggressive forms of prostate cancer who benefit from early diagnosis and treatment before the cancerous changes grow into nearby organs or spread to other parts of the body. The strength of MRI is that it can localize the prostate cancer and distinguish between benign and malignant tumours.
In addition, the MRI scan has no side effects and is painless, unlike the standard prostate cancer biopsy. This means that with an MRI scan, we can provide you with a more gentle and safe treatment. In some cases, however, it is necessary to perform a biopsy after the scan. In these cases, the MRI scan will be a very important tool, as the biopsy can be targeted and performed with even greater precision.