Martin Græbe

Consultant, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor, Specialist in Vascular Surgery

Affiliated departments
Capio Hellerup


Martin Græbe specializes in endovascular treatments, where veins are treated via small injections guided by either X-ray or ultrasound. If the varicose veins cause physical discomfort, he performs RFA treatment of varicose veins as well as local resections.

Martin has extensive practical, research and teaching experience in ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels, such as scans of neck vessels, where early stages of atherosclerotic disease can be detected.

Education and training

  • 2014: Specialist in vascular surgery.
  • 2003: Medical degree from the University of Copenhagen.


Martin Græbe has extensive vascular surgery experience from Rigshospitalet (since 2005) and hospitals in Gentofte, Slagelse, Aalborg and Frederikshavn. Since 2016, he has been employed as a consultant at the Vascular Surgery Clinic at Rigshospitalet.

Other information

Member of

  • Danish Vascular Surgery Society
  • European Society for Vascular Surgery