Resuming cosmetic surgery and abdominal balloon weight loss treatment
We are very excited to once again offer cosmetic surgery and weight loss treatment with abdominal balloon! Over the weekend, the Danish Health Authority has given the green light to once again perform so-called non-critical treatments, which includes, for example, treatments of a cosmetic nature.
We currently have short or no waiting time with our skilled specialists. See what we offer here.
Using protective equipment for your and our safety
This weekend, the Danish Health Authority issued new guidelines on the use of protective equipment to prevent coronavirus infection. The guidelines read:
- In generally healthy patients, there is no need to use protective equipment
- For close facial contact for longer periods of time, you can use a type 2 face mask
- For aerosol-producing procedures, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority refers to the letter from Statens Serum Institut regarding patients with or with suspected coronavirus infection. Here, therapists and assistants must use type 2 face masks and eye protection for low-risk procedures. It is not necessary to use FFP2/3 mask
Of course, we follow these guidelines! In addition, we would like to emphasize that we do not provide treatment for COVID-19 at Capio CFR's hospitals and make sure to inform and inquire thoroughly about the individual patient's health before the patient enters our hospitals.
Capio Private Hospital
At Capio's nationwide hospitals, you will meet some of the country's most skilled and experienced specialists who work together to give you the best possible treatment. We guarantee you peace of mind and high quality and put you at the center every step of the way.