Per Leganger Larsen
Consultant, specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases
Affiliated departments
Capio Hellerup
Per Larsen is a consultant and specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases (oto-rrhino-laryngology).
He currently works as a consultant at Capio in Hellerup and was involved in introducing the ear, nose and throat specialty at Capio Hellerup (then CFR) in 2011. He has previously worked at several private hospitals in Copenhagen and continues to do so.
Per Larsen masters most ear, nose and throat surgical procedures, but has subspecialized in functional binocular-guided sinus surgery and hearing enhancement procedures. Today, he therefore works primarily with sinus surgery, closing holes in the eardrum (myringoplasty) and middle ear surgery with reconstruction of the ossicular chain (hearing enhancement surgery) and septoplasty (surgery for a deviated nasal septum).
Education and training
- 2012: Norwegian specialist authorization.
- 1998: Consultant, Hillerød Hospital.
- 1993: Specialist training in ear, nose and throat surgery.
Per Leganger Larsen was instrumental in introducing (1989) and expanding binocular-guided sinus surgery in Denmark and has since performed the operations at the County Hospital in Gentofte, Rigshospitalet, Hillerød Hospital and the private hospital Hamlet.
Per performs combined binocular and computer-guided sinus surgery and has also performed binocular guided balloon dilatation of the sinus drainage since 2008 and binocular guided balloon dilatation of the eustachian tube since 2013.
He has developed the so-called "button technique" (In-lay On-lay) for closing holes in the eardrum. The surgery can then often be performed through the ear canal, without shaving off the hair and without filling the middle ear with material to hold the new eardrum in place.
Other information
Other relevant experience
Per has been a consultant for hearing enhancement surgery (especially stapes replacement) at Aleris Frogner Oslo for a number of years as well as in Greenland. He has been chairman of the Danish Rhinological Society (nose and sinus doctors in Denmark) from 2002-2008.
In addition, he is the author of 85 scientific articles and book chapters, most of which deal with the nasal sinuses and middle ears. He regularly conducts courses in sinus surgery and participates as a lecturer in courses in sinus and ear surgery. He regularly participates as a lecturer at international head, neck, nose, sinus and ear surgery courses.
He has also received the European Society of Rhinology's award for best basic research.