Viggo Balle

Specialist in ear, nose and throat diseases

Affiliated departments
Capio Hellerup


Specialist in otorhinolaryngology with a special interest in laryngeal and head and neck surgery.

Education and training

1970: Degree in medicine
1978: Specialist in otorhinolaryngology


30 years of employment at a university department, 26 of which as a consultant
Advanced cancer surgery with reconstructive surgery
Oral and pharyngeal surgery
Common head and neck surgical procedures such as salivary gland surgery, thyroid surgery, lymph nodes, cysts and fistulas on the neck.
Laryngeal surgery, voice enhancement procedures
Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders supported by a speech therapist

Published 81 scientific papers, 34 of which as 1st author
Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Copenhagen for 16 years
Lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen for 20 years, audiology education

Chief physician responsible for education at the Ear, Nose and Throat Department at Gentofte Hospital since 1997