Capio's imaging departments offer MRI scans, CT scans, DEXA scans, X-ray examinations, clinical mammography and ultrasound scans.

Zoreh Rasti

Zoreh Rasti is a specialist in diagnostic radiology with subspecialties in Msk and neuroradiology.

She performs X-ray examinations, MRI scans and DEXA scans.

Christin Isaksen

Christin Isaksen is a specialist in Diagnostic Radiology with expertise in the assessment of MRI examinations over the past 15 years in musculoskeletal MRI, neuroradiology, abdominal MRI and cardiac MRI.

DEXA scanning

As one of the only private hospitals in Denmark, Capio offers DEXA scans. This enables us to contribute to the investigation of osteoporosis, which is a widespread disorder - especially in the older part of the Danish population. Our specialists will guide you through the scan and make sure you feel comfortable throughout the process.

CT scan

At Capio Private Hospital, you can have a CT scan performed by highly specialized staff with modern scanning equipment. Our team is used to dealing with the thoughts and concerns of our patients, and we always do our best to provide you with a safe and comfortable scanning experience.


We are centrally located in Aalborg city center with easy access to public transport and with good parking facilities for those arriving by car. Our hospital has a wide range of specialties represented and our staff is ready to provide you with safe and thorough treatment in new and calm surroundings.