Capio's imaging departments offer MRI scans, CT scans, DEXA scans, X-ray examinations, clinical mammography and ultrasound scans.

Parvaneh Haji Agha Bozorgi

Parvaneh Bozorgi's primary radiological interest is MRI, especially neuroradiology
and she has previously been responsible for neuro-MR at Svendborg Hospital. She has extensive experience in MRI as well as ultrasound and CT diagnostics.

Borislav Laoutliev

Borislav Laoutliev has several years of medical experience and broad experience in clinical mammography, mammography screening and mammography MR as well as diagnostic work-up with biopsies of clinical mammography patients, both in Denmark and abroad.

Borislav has continued his education in breast cancer imaging at international and European courses, conferences and congresses.