Capio Aarhus now offers CT scans!

Capio Privathospital can for the first time offer CT scans at our hospital in Aarhus. We look forward to welcoming our patients from Monday, November 16th.

Capio CFR becomes Capio

Capio CFR becomes Capio! We are proud to finally unveil our new name and logo, which now visually connects us more closely with our parent organization Ramsay Santé.

Plastic surgery in a safe environment

In this month's Kids and Leisure, you can read more about how Louise fared when she chose CFR Hospitals for her second breast surgery.

Resuming cosmetic surgery and abdominal balloon weight loss treatment

We are very excited to once again offer cosmetic surgery and abdominal balloon weight loss treatment!

Physiotherapists' advice for pelvic floor training

The pelvic floor is important to exercise for both men and women, as a trained pelvic floor is important for a well-functioning sex life and can protect against incontinence.

Top-notch patient satisfaction!

In fact, 99% of our patients would recommend us to others.

Get a free 3D breast augmentation simulation

On Tuesday, October 2, you can exclusively get a free 3D simulation and see how different sizes of breast implants fit your body, as well as meet and talk to our plastic surgeons.

10 tips for those considering cosmetic surgery

What should you think about if you are considering cosmetic surgery? Plastic surgeon Benedikte Thuesen from Capio CFR Hellerup gives you 10 tips here.

Tips for exercising on vacation

Vacation time often = no exercise (and lots of ice cream). Get some tips for exercising and moving while traveling here.

Can you breastfeed after breast surgery?

Can you breastfeed after breast surgery? This is a question our plastic surgeons are often asked. The answer is that it depends on the type of surgery you have.