Great results in LUP 2021
The LUP survey 2021 has been published, and once again Capio performs very well in the survey. Especially among inpatients, we are above the national average on 31 of the 33 parameters. However, when it comes to the results among outpatients, the Corona pandemic and the resulting busyness and restrictions have continued to be felt by our patients.
It is our wish and our goal that all our patients and their relatives have a good and satisfying experience every time they visit one of our hospitals. That's why we are constantly working to optimize our processes.
Based on the LUP 2021 results, Capio's Quality Council has initiated work with a special focus on two key points: To show calmness around the patients' progress and to optimize our information to patients, both through dialogue and written material.
We greatly appreciate the patients' fine assessment of our hospital and work and are both happy and proud of the results of the LUP 2021 survey.

Capio Private Hospital
At Capio's nationwide hospitals, you will meet some of the country's most skilled and experienced specialists who work together to give you the best possible treatment. We guarantee you peace of mind and high quality and put you at the center every step of the way.